Hi! I'm Sahil Railkar.

I'm a senior at the University of California, Irvine studying Computer Science. In the past few years, I have worked on a few independent and team projects to further my command over computer science and explore new topics that I come across. Most recently, I interned at Uber with the Rider Verticals team and worked as an undergraduate researcher under the guidance of Professor Bill Tomlinson. Want to chat? Shoot me an email at sahil.railkar@gmail.com or srailkar@uci.edu anytime!


<h1> Technical Heap </h1>

SahilRailkar –– - bash –– 80×24
First login: Tue Jul 4 00:00:00 on ssrp001
Sahils-MacBook-Pro:~ SahilRailkar$ ls
JavaScript    Python    Java    C++
Go            HTML      CSS     SQL

Sahils-MacBook-Pro:~ SahilRailkar$ ls
React         NumPy         Pandas

Sahils-MacBook-Pro:~ SahilRailkar$ ls
Node.js       Git               GraphQL
gRPC          Apache Spark      AWS (EMR, S3)


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Photomosaic Constructor

A Python module which utilizes the Python Imaging Library to generate a photo mosaic given a main image and tile images

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Conway's Game of Life GUI

A tkinter GUI which demonstrates Conway's Game of Life

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An award-winning app which helps Alzheimer's patients with their memory

coming soon...
coming soon...


Martial Arts

I enjoy practicing and teaching martial arts at Wushu Central Martial Arts Academy. After 10 years, I received my black belt in Kung Fu in my junior year of high school.


I began learning to play the clarinet back in sixth grade. Since then, I had become a member of both my middle school and high school bands, competed at some music competitions, and now, I play casually.


You can catch me playing basketball and watching the NBA and NFL all the time. I also enjoy competing in fantasy football leagues with my friends through the NFL season.